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Technical Skills

We invite you to explore the world of essential technical skills for a programmer in Python, HTML, and CSS with ADVINTERVIEW, which will be valuable during an interview!

Get ready to unlock the potential of programming and bring your ideas to digital life!

Imagen Habilidades Lógicas
imagen de sudoku

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Logical Skills

In the following section, you will find resources to improve your logical skills. This is because programming requires problem-solving, efficient coding, debugging, and adaptation to new technologies, and logical skills are fundamental in all these aspects. Additionally, the ability to communicate logical solutions clearly is essential in interviews. This increases confidence and effectiveness in addressing technical challenges, which not only helps you secure the job but also makes you a more competent programmer in your career. Choose the area you want to study and enjoy the process.

Imagen Habilidades Lógicas
imagen de sudoku

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imagen lector

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imagen regla

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Life Skills

In today's job market, having a flawless resume and many years of experience is no longer sufficient. A trend called soft skills is emerging, which goes beyond technical aptitudes, and emotional intelligence is a key element for successfully mastering it. Taken from HubSpot

Imagen Habilidades Lógicas
imagen de una mujer

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imagen entrevista

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imagen estudiante de ingles

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